TEATR 21 (Theatre 21)
Teatr 21 was established during the “Dać szansę” (To give a chance) workshops at Zespoł Społecznych Szkół Specjalnych (Complex of charter special schools) in Warsaw. Justyna Sobczyk — theatre director and teacher — together with a group of pupils, on the basis of experience gained together, decided to establish a professional theatre group. The name derives from the 21st chromosome, the modifications of which are associated with the genetic disorder known as the “Down syndrome”. Teatr 21 gathers actors with Down syndrome and autism.
In 2015, Teatr 21 celebrated its 10th anniversary. The jubillee was accompanied by two premiere performances: “Upadki. Odcinek 2” (Falls. Episode 2) and “Klauni czyli o rodzinie. Odcinek 3” (Clowns, or About the family. Episode 3). The two plays close the series launched in 2012 with the pilot-play “I my wszyscy” (And us all).
SZUSTOW. KULTURA I KOMUNIKACJA managed media relations of the Teatr 21 premieres in 2015.
Cooperation period: April–December 2015.